Helen McCann White Research Library

Museum & Research Library Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: 10am-4pm

Our outlying historical displays and museums are open during the summer season.

The Helen McCann White History Research Library is located in downtown Lindstrom at 12795 Lake Blvd. on the south side of the street.  Click here for map 

Research Library Hours:
The History Research Library is open year-round. Please see the schedule to the right as the specific days and times do vary depending upon the season. Call us to arrange an appointment outside of these hours. Our downtown location has a large meeting area that will  accommodate small groups of 20 to 30 people. Our facility is available for use by school groups and other educational programs. 

Additional Research Help:
Research requests may be submitted via email.  Please be as specific as possible about names and dates regarding your query. There is generally no fee involved for simple requests by CCHS members.  Please allow two weeks for our response. 
For extensive research projects we will refer you to local genealogists who are specialists in this area. Rates vary from $35 per hour for non-members to $25 per hour for CCHS members.
 There is a one-hour minimum for paid extensive research services.