Research Library Indexes:
We continue to expand our offering of searchable indexes of the resource materials in our research library. You can download the .pdf file and use Adobe Reader to read, search, and print items of interest.
 Each index contains title and location information to help us quickly retrieve materials. Copies are available for purchase.

CCHS Research Library Index:[530-Kb pdf]
 This is a resource locator that contains the titles and shelf locations of the variety of printed resources in our collection, Revision 9. Chisago Heritage 

Journal Index: {Index}
 The Chisago Heritage Journal is our flagship publication that is published quarterly. This index contains references to 30-years of news, history, and information about Chisago County and it's people (1982-2024).

 Obituaries Index: [850-Kb pdf]
 This is a listing of the obituary copies we have in our collection. These hardcopies have been clipped from local newspapers and include both current and former residents who had ties to Chisago County, MN. 

Microfilm Index:[25-Kb pdf]
 This listing includes more than 150 titles in our microfilm collection suplemented with additional titles held in nearby societies and libraries. A listing of the status of microfilm equipment is also included (viewer and/or print capabilities). 

Veteran DVDs Index:[48-Kb pdf]
 This is a listing of the veteran video interview DVDs held in our collection. Each DVD is a personal interview of a veteran who served in the US armed forces. Society volunteer Don Bungum has conducted nearly 200 interviews for the Veterans History Project. This project was authorized by Congress in 2000 and is managed by the Library of Congress, in Washington, D. C. 

The Dalles Visitor ToC & Index:[439-Kb pdf]
 The Dalles Visitor was a periodic newspaper published by Helen McCann White from 1969 through 2008. It featured articles about current events as well as historical topics. This multi-part index contains the table of contents of the individual issues and several indexes covering the lifespan of the publication. The Dalles Visitor newspaper was sold in 2008 to Jerry Boucher of rural Amery, Wisconsin who did not continue the publication. He has granted digital reproduction rights to the historical society as a fundraising resource. 

Life & Times in Taylors Falls Index:[1.4-Mb pdf]
 This periodic journal began in 1994 and is published by the Taylors Falls Historical Society. This searchable index covers its first 5 years. This is a high-quality publication with many history articles and news items regarding the St. Croix Valley area and specifically Taylors Falls, Minnesota. 

Chisago County in Three Wars Index:[11-Mb pdf]
 This 112-page book published in 1998 by Earl W Leaf contains biosketches of the 497 young men with Chisago County connections who served in three wars; the Civil, Spanish/American, and World War I. 

History of Rush City 1903 Index:[11-Mb pdf]
 This 136-page book is a collection of weekly articles from the "Rush City Post", found in the 1903-1904 issues. The editors and publishers were Mrs. Franlin W. Lee Stone, Mrs. A. F. Stone, and Mrs. Marilla Lee Stone. This book was republished by Bill Schneider of Rush City, MN in 1998. This pdf file contains the Table of Contents, a two-page history, and the full index of names and places.

The People of Chisago County, 19th Century:

 This is an extensive collection of biographic sketches of families who pioneered, settled and lived in Chisago County. The author, Earl W. Leaf, is renouned for the shear volume of work he has produced over many years. This particular project spans seven volumes, with more than 1,800 pages. It is therefore separated into more managable alphabetic subsets.
 The indexes found below will provide volume and page locations to quickly locate the specific information. Be aware the "All names" index is a very large file and may take some time to download to your computer.
  Book 1 -  surnames A to D
  Book 2 - surnames E to H
  Book 3 - surnames I to L
  Book 4 - surnames M to O
  Book 5 - surnames P to R
  Book 6 - surnames S to T
  Book 7 - surnames U to Z
  All names - surnames A to Z
Burials in Chisago County : [Not online, superceded]
 This is a compilation of death and burial information published by Earl W. Leaf in 1994. It contains all known deaths and burials within Chisago County, MN up to that point in time.
 With the authors permission, and many hours of volunteers effort, all of this information was transcribed and uploaded to the Find A Grave website.
The Find A Grave website supercedes the information printed in the book and provides the ability to correct and update the records as new information becomes available. Visit our cemeteries page to browse all of the cemeteries, including a county-wide cemetery tour video.
Chisago Lake Lutheran Church, Center City, MN
Membership Records 1851-1869 Index
 This is an extensive work of original transcriptions by Karl Olin , translated into English and updated with additional notes by Earl W Leaf in 2004. The book contains birth, baptism, marriage, and death information regarding the pioneer families who settled in Chisago County. Leaf includes material contributed by other researchers from correspondence and emails received over the years. Sue Team , among others, is specifically mentioned as a contributor.