Directors at Large

Perry Lindberg
Charles Gramling
Robert Cedergren
David Johnson
Nancy Schroeder
Lee Olson
Keith Parsons

Board of Directors Officers

President:  ​Neil Gatzow
Vice President: Cindy Johnson
Treasurer: Curt Peterson
Secretary: Deb Dahlberg

CCHS Staff

Executive Director & Collections: Lora Tatinger
Office & Memberships:  Chris Johnson, Cande Nelson

If you are traveling from a distance or need specific records or items,  PLEASE  call to make an appointment so we have your data available.

Research Requests
Requests may be submitted by email. Please be as specific as possible regarding names and dates of persons in your request. There is generally no fee for CCHS Members. Please allow 2 weeks for our response. Please refer to our 'Research Library' tab for more information about Additional Research Help.