Become a Me​mb​er

Membership in the Chisago County Historical Society is open to anyone interested in the history of Chisago County.
A membership does not require participation in activities, except as your interest, time and talents permit. If you would like to be a volunteer with the society, call the office to discuss your ideas. We welcome all new volunteers and what they can bring to our group!

You will help the society fulfill its mission of providing a variety of educational programs year around. These events range from genealogy workshops, folk art demonstrations at local community festivals, and other special events featuring food, fellowship and guest speakers. 
Your membership also helps support the History Center Research Library. This facility and its resources are available to anyone who is in search of information about their ancestors who resided in this area of Minnesota. Your membership contribution helps expand this history research collection as we continue to acquire, sort, and catalog new materials.

Annual Memberships
Individual Membership - $25

-Quarterly emails about upcoming events & programs
-Thirty minutes of complimentary research assistance or access per year
-10% off in the Gift Shop monthly*

Family Membership - $40
-Quarterly emails about upcoming events & programs
-One hour of complimentary research assistance or access per year
-10% off in the Gift Shop monthly*

Sponsor Membership - $125
-Quarterly emails about upcoming events & programs
-Two hours of complimentary research assistance or access per year
-Exclusive invitations to exhibit openings & events
-One Membership to Give per year ($25 value)
-10% off in the Gift Shop monthly*

Lifetime Membership- $1,500 (non-recurring)
-Quarterly emails about upcoming events & programs
-Two hours of complimentary research assistance or access per year
-Exclusive invitations to exhibit openings & events
-Two Memberships to Give per year ($50 value)
-Two complimentary tickets for ticketed event each year
-10% off in the Gift Shop monthly*
*Lifetime memberships will be put towards the CCHS Endowment Fund

**Monthly Gift Shop Discount Cards can be picked up at our office in Lindstrom durin​g open hours**
Corporate Memberships

Corporate Membership - Tier One - $250
-Business name in quarterly Heritage Journal
-Logo & Contact information on our website
-Business name listing on Digital Memories Project for your area

Corporate Membership - Tier Two - $500
-Business name in quarterly Heritage Journal
-Logo & Contact information on our website
-Annual feature on our Social Media channels
-Business name listing and contact information on Digital Memories Project for your area

Corporate Membership - Tier Three - $750
-Business name in quarterly Heritage Journal
-Logo & Contact information on our website
-Bi-Annual feature on our Social Media channels
-Special Recognition in our Annual Report
-Business information & website link on Digital Memories Project for your area

Corporate Membership - Tier Four - $1000+
-Business name in quarterly Heritage Journal
-Logo & Contact information, and website link on our website
-Quarterly feature on our Social Media channels
-Website link and priority listing on Digital Memories Project for your area and surrounding areas
-Two complimentary tickets to annual ticketed events
-Special Recognition in our Annual Report
-Customized history of your building or business

Non-Profit Membership - $20
-Logo & Contact information on our website page, “Partners in History”
-Certificate of Membership to CCHS

Pay membership online Pay Corporate (Nonprofit) 
Membership Online
Mail In Membership Form

Our Mission

To discover, preserve, and share the history and heritage of Chisago County, Minnesota

Society Purpose

We collect and display cultural materials representing the scope of human activities, thoughts, and endeavors within the geographic confines of Chisago County, and outside of the region if the materials are significant to Chisago County history.  We continue to build our collections within the practical constraints of storage and exhibit space, staff time, and​ funds for conservation of the items. Artifacts in the permanent collections must possess exhibition, educational, or research potential without resulting in substantial conservation or storage liabilities.

Reve​nue Sources

We depend upon donations, membership fees, grants, and funding from local units of government to fulfill our mission of preserving and celebrating local history and heritage. Financial contributions are always welcome and help to keep our services available to local school children, seniors, and other residents of, and visitors to, Chisago County.